Monday, February 29, 2016

Leadership Training in Dubai Enhances Strategic Planning & Decision Making

The most important constituent of Strategic Planning is being Proactive to change than Reactive. Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead of anticipated events; this means using foresight.
Every organization wants their staff to have a proactive approach. This was indeed the most thought provoking discussion we had at the Leadership training program we at ecube conducted, for one of the leading leasing and diversified financial services conglomerate in the UAE. Being proactive helps one deal with a potential future event before it becomes a reality. Almost all projects, even those properly managed, need to deal with obstacles, challenging moments, unsatisfied users, technical problems or fewer resources for execution. When a person is in control of an expected or anticipated occurrence, they can take proactive measures. It enables us to prove our insight and vision as leaders.
In ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People’ Stephen R Covey talks about the very first habit is to be proactive. “Habit 1: Be Proactive provides the foundation for all the other habits. Habit 1 is, undoubtedly, the foundation for leadership at home or at work because it begins with the mindset, I am responsible for me, and I can choose.” Being proactive streamlines leadership, enhances positive results and inspires a more joyful workplace. This learning had the most lasting impact on the participants and they left with a strong determination to bring in positive change.
Established in United Arab Emirates, Ecube has been successfully delivering leadership, management and softs skills training programs to corporate. Its training titles include situational leadership, time management, stress management, customer service and sales training across the Gulf including Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait. Every training session is preceded by a training needs analysis and is followed by measurement of training results.


  1. Management and Leadership training courses in Dubai UAE will support you to develop your skills as an effective manager and inspiring leader as well as

  2. Join our internationally endorsed leadership and management training courses and explore emerging leadership and management trends Leadership Training in Dubai
